Motion Recorder® Side By Side

モーションレコーダー® Side By Side
What is the Motion Recorder® Side By Side?
The Motion Recorder® Side By Side consists of multiple high speed cameras installed along the slope. Utilizing AI and machine learning, the system captures footage of two people racing down the slope at the same time, and even edits the footage automatically. Users can then watch, download, or even upload the edited footage to social media on the spot from their smartphone. *Patents are pending for Motion Recorder® related technology
Easy to use!
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Business Days
Dec 22, 2023 (Fri) - Mar 24, 2024 (Sun)
Business Hours
9:00AM - 3:30PM
Free (during Free Trial campaign)
Inawashiro Ski Resort, Minero Area, in front of Minero Center House
Capture even high-intensity scenes in high quality
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